Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pussy Cat Blues #2.m4v

A slightly different version with a guitar intro...

Mary June Echterling

Your loving son

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Mama's Dyin'

What can a poor boy do......

Po' Boy in Paris 1975

Copyright 1975

Just a poor boy in Paris
thinking of Marlon Brando
(what can a white male expat do)
and Brian Jones
[[god rest his troubled soul]]
(could I play the
Rolling Stones' blues
on the Left Bank
 or imagine Miles Davis sittin' in
with the Funk Brothers doin' the Temps),
channelling Sartre and de Beauvoir
sipping coffee at the cafe
and envisioning Andy Warhol
sublimated into
Francis Bacon
and Mark Rothko
with a touch of Dali
in the recipe.
An impossible stew
that I never was able to brew...

Monday, February 7, 2011

02-06-11 2

   I just discovered how to auto-tune in Garageband...inspired by the
Black Eyed Peas at the Super Bowl... if I only could get in the ad game
like the Black Eyed Peas, or now the Black Keys, BlakRoc, etc, etc, ... 
the new alternative/ independent music is advertising fodder,
but would I say no to ad money...good question...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Maria Schneider RIP

   Maria Schneider died Thursday in Paris at the age of 58.  She was female lead opposite Marlon Brando in Bernardo Bertolucci's X-rated "Last Tango in Paris" which was an iconic film in 1972 that served to illustrate the tension between the old avant garde and the emerging concerns about sexual exploitation. It was groundbreaking in its depiction of sexuality in mainstream cinema but shocked feminist sensibilities with what could only be perceived as the sexual fantasies of a dirty old man - the aging film icon Marlon Brando... Gato Barbieri provided a riveting sax driven tango flavored soundtrack that gave him exposure beyond the jazz world and also gave a wider audience to Francis Bacon's erotic paintings...