Poster and Comix Art

Roscoe Mitchell from The Art Ensemble of Chicago
lived in Bath for a few years
and performed a number of times on the MSU campus.
Copyright Terence Echterling (aka Jive Comix)

"Fear the Reaper"
The first "original" tapestry or wall hanging I did
for a Detroit area "novelty" company. It was more of a drug paraphernalia
manufacturer and distributor and this design was "inspired" by something in Clip Art
but in my distinct "underground comix"drawing style that deviated considerably 
from its inspiration.
It proved to be a steady seller in the line for 15 years
although I never got any royalties on it. The notorious "work-for-hire"
clause and my own stupidity.

An interesting variation on this "wall hanging"
This biker patch is $4.95 on ebay. (as of Jan. 2011)

"Freeman Jones Band"
The "Duck" was the mascot of the "Jones" boys
our unofficial and pre-Animal House counter-culture take on a fraternity.
Detriot's most under-rated garage band in the late 70's
that played a number of gig's for the Lawyer's Guild and at the
infamous Hemlock Hotel.

The band's motto was
"Don't Call Us, We'll Call You"
which should its attitude towards gigging.
Playing music was the party itself with no audience necessary
although occasionally desired to liven things up.

I was only the roadie but eventually learned the bass parts
 and went on to play bass guitar in the
offshoot "Salmon Dave" band
an equally obscure Detriot garage band
in the 1980's and early 90's that mostly jammed in
the living room and played a few private parties.

A very hot jam band.

My attempt at adult manga in the late 90's
before Japanese comics got hot in the USA.